Friday, September 28, 2007


So I arrived in Switzerland last Thursday the 20th. After spending a night out in Geneva and Friday afternoon, my friend Kevin and I decided to rent a car and drive from Geneva to Munich Germany for Oktoberfest. It was a bit of a last minute decision. We had no directions and no map of Germany so it was a total adventure.
We stopped in Germany somewhere to ask directions but the two German men we found couldn`t understand. We ended up getting to Munich around 2am and slept in the car. The drive wasnt too bad, about 7 or 8 hours and we just followed signs for upcoming cities. Driving on the autobahn was a whole other story. We thought 130 kmh was fast (about 75 - 80 mph) but other cars were flying past us at 180-190 kmh ( about 115mph or so).
The ride was absolutely beautiful with the Swiss and German alps.

Oktoberfest was absolutely the craziest festival I have ever attended. In the beer tents, german women bring about 15 stines of beer to the table at once (huge 1 liter beer mugs). I had enough trouble holding my own let alone 15. Everyone was very friendly there and we ended up hanging out with some Italians. On Sunday we attended a large parade through the streets of Munich.

Once I figure out how to post pictures I will put some on here.

This past week has flown by and I have been busy doing paperwork for my bank account and apartment. I start school next Monday Oct 1 but I think I am going to a soccer game in Lyon tomorrow night! A bientot!

Friday, September 21, 2007


So I arrived at Charles de Gaulle airport on Tuesday morning and took a train straight down to Saint Etienne. It has been a crazy last 3 days because I found out that there was not a room for me anymore at the high school. The first 2 nights I ended up staying with one of the female English teachers at the school (up in the French countryside!). Her and her husband have been extremely accomodating and helping me get down to Saint Etienne to find a place to live, bank account, etc...
Saint Etienne is about 190,000 people and I ended up finding an apartment that caters to students and other assistants as well. More on the expensive side than I was planning but it is a great location (near the city centre as well as the University, Jean Monnet). I met two other assistants which was nice to have some company while figuring out the housing situation.
Yesterday, I decided to hop on a train to Geneva to visit one of my friends from home (about 3 hours away). I am hanging out in Switzerland for the weekend and then I move into my apartment on Monday! Can't wait to get settled in and have my own has been a crazy last few days. A bientot!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

One week!

I'm heading over to Andrezieux, France on Monday Sept. 17th!