Friday, September 28, 2007


So I arrived in Switzerland last Thursday the 20th. After spending a night out in Geneva and Friday afternoon, my friend Kevin and I decided to rent a car and drive from Geneva to Munich Germany for Oktoberfest. It was a bit of a last minute decision. We had no directions and no map of Germany so it was a total adventure.
We stopped in Germany somewhere to ask directions but the two German men we found couldn`t understand. We ended up getting to Munich around 2am and slept in the car. The drive wasnt too bad, about 7 or 8 hours and we just followed signs for upcoming cities. Driving on the autobahn was a whole other story. We thought 130 kmh was fast (about 75 - 80 mph) but other cars were flying past us at 180-190 kmh ( about 115mph or so).
The ride was absolutely beautiful with the Swiss and German alps.

Oktoberfest was absolutely the craziest festival I have ever attended. In the beer tents, german women bring about 15 stines of beer to the table at once (huge 1 liter beer mugs). I had enough trouble holding my own let alone 15. Everyone was very friendly there and we ended up hanging out with some Italians. On Sunday we attended a large parade through the streets of Munich.

Once I figure out how to post pictures I will put some on here.

This past week has flown by and I have been busy doing paperwork for my bank account and apartment. I start school next Monday Oct 1 but I think I am going to a soccer game in Lyon tomorrow night! A bientot!

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